1. Pick a side of the park before any parade or firework show and stay there
If you have ever been at a Disney Park during a parade or firework show you know that these things tend to create quite the traffic jam. For this reason if you don’t intend on watching either of these I highly recommend planning ahead. Pick which side of the park you want to be on and stay there during the entire show. This is most effective in the Magic Kingdom due to the layout of the park.
My last tip is not so much of a tip but a suggestion. It is something that I do each and every time I visit Disneyland. I stop by the Main Street Firehouse, look up at Walt’s apartment and his lamp and thank him. I thank him continuing to follow his dreams even when most others doubted. I thank him for creating a place that so many of us can come to and escape the real world if only for a day. I thank him for showing us that “All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them”.